June 11, 2017
Your home resort is always a special place. Especially when you can share it with a few thousand of your summer friends – new and old. Our Trail Crew is as diverse as our guest list these days; full of various backgrounds, abilities, and goals. We’ve all invested a little of ourselves into spring trail work this year hoping to provide a well-rounded product for everyone on opening day.
This week the focus has remained on some of our Elk Side artery trails and we have even been able to push our opening day portfolio higher up the Timber Side. Will Power – one of FAR’s original bike trails built before disc brakes, suspension, wide bars, or 27.5/29 inch wheels – picked up some substantial tree removal from the insides of the corners on the upper trail. Some of the smaller corners have been re-cribbed and filled back up to help maintain flow. We snuck the mini back into upper Mr. Berms to transplant some soil and re-shape the first right hand corner in the trees. Same goes for the Rockstar Tree Island (just above the Timber Chair Load) which also received several loads of imported fresh soil. Heavy snow load over the winter collapsed bridges on Alternate Flight Pattern and Honey Bee so those were jacked up and repaired. There is also a little work in progress on the ski run sections of Ben’s Big Rig to get those green corners back into shape for bike season.
With the snowline steadily creeping up the mountain we are now also able to offer Rumplestumpskin, Neverland, and TNT from Trespass Trail elevation to base and will likely also be able to throw Bike Thief on that list as well. While these trails will be clear of major hazards such as trees, large rocks, and washouts they will not have much fine tuning for opening weekend – be patient – we’ll get to them!
Last but not least, we have a little news to share! After our regular summer operation closing date on Sunday, September 3rd, we will be opening for
So plan to come for some extra hiking & biking on Timber Chair on September 9 & 10 and September 1 6 & 17!
Our Trail Crew has set up an email address for you to share any ideas, concerns, or thoughts with us through the season. If you have an immediate safety concern, please let Patrol know by calling us at 250-423-2426 so we can take care of it right away. For everything else, feel free to chat with us in person at your leisure or send us a note at [email protected].
Catch you in a lucky 13 days Loam Rangers.
-The FAR Trail Crew
Photos by Nicole Matei