Our Fernie Alpine Resort Bike Crew have been working non stop on our trails in anticipation of opening this Saturday, check out what’s going on and get stoked to ride the bike park this summer!
Mr. Berms
With the recent glading in upper tree island under the Elk Chair, the start of Mr Berms has been moved off the open ski run into this tree island with a brand new section of trail – machine made with wide flowy berms, mellow grade, suitable for all abilities.
New Green Trail
Our trail crew is busy working on a connection off Mr. Berms and going to base. The new trail will hopefully be called Duff Dynasty. Look forward to wide, machine-made, mellow, fun berms and rollers though cedar forests on this new trail.
Ben’s Big Rig
Ben’s Big Rig is being re-machined thoughout, berms and transitions re-shaped, and a new traverse at the Elk top to eliminate need to ride down summer road.
L’il Miss Buff It
The singletrack off Cedar Trail (built 2 years ago) is now rebuffed and named “L’il Miss Buff It. The goal is to eventually connect this trail with Hobbits Trail for the ultimate beginner loop (Boom-Cedar-L’il Miss Buff It-Hobbit Trail-Base).
And There’s More!
• New connector from Mr. Berms to Hornet
• New connector from TNT to Bin Logdin (no uphill pedaling on the road)
• Double Creek and Far Out now a multi-use trail (hike and bike)
• Re-tune on mid-Rumplestumpskin in progress
• Bike Thief below Diamond Back corner was re-worked last fall before the BC Cup race…riders can enjoy it this season!
Keep up to date by reading the Fernie Bike Crew Blog – See you soon!
Fernie Alpine Resort will open on Saturday – Join the Facebook Event.
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