Fernie Alpine Resort Trail Crew Update #3
June 26, 2015
The Hustle & Flow
Twenty-Four hours and counting. That’s it. One rotation of the Earth around the sun until we hand over the keys to you Loam Rangers for another Legendary Summer at Fernie Alpine Resort. The full Trail Crew team officially all started back at work two weeks ago and we’ve been hustling ever since to make sure you have some flow on opening day – Saturday June 27th.
When spring started, we thought we had Mother Nature backed into the corner and the fight won. Well, she came charging right back at us throwing a knockout combination right to the kisser. That unseasonably warm and dry weather we fought all winter has continued to linger through the region, providing us with some challenging conditions to work with this spring. Usually at this time of year, we are lucky if we can drive up the Timber Side, let alone open it for biking. There is likely snow still to shovel out of shaded trails like Hollow Tree and Boom Trail, conditions are tacky, if not full-on greasy. This year, the crew has already summited Polar Peak to install the hiking trail signage (boot skiing still possible!), days have been spent weed whacking shoulder high alder to improve sight lines on every trail, and we have already had to water trails just to complete basic dirt work. With much still to do, and little time write about it, here are a few key things you need to know before hopping on the lift…
- June 27 & 28th is going to be an awesome weekend to be in Fernie, BC. The Bike Park opens for the season, the Roll & Sole Trails Fest is taking over town, and the Fernie 3 mountain bike race is happening everywhere in between.
- It is going to be hot. Like surface of the sun hot… at a forecasted 36C. Drink water.
- There is a lot of new stuff happening in the Bike Park. Please start off your summer with a slow inspection lap. You will have to do a little exploring to find all our work but some of the key changes include:
– fresh dirt work on upper Rumplestumpkin, Eville, Duff Dynasty, and Mr. Berms
– Phase 1 of our new trail Neverland will be open (watch for the sign on lower Rumplestumpskin)
– New exit of Will Power at the Bear Load
– Upper Big Rig has been widened
– The Phat Larry’s and Holo Bike entrance has been adjusted and a pull out lane added
– Top Gun has a few new berms and jumps (more to come!)
– Hollow Tree has had a few select corners changed and some of the braided trails on the lower section closed to reduce the environmental damage occurring from those riders looking to choose their own adventure through the forest
– New exit of Bike Thief at the bottom of Currie Bowl. Please also note that Canada Cup DH will be closed for opening weekend (major reno including new jump line in the works).
- Our Bike Crew will be on hand to answer any questions or to point you in the right direction this weekend. Please come talk to us…we are here to help and we would love to fill you in on some of the other great projects we have in store this summer! That being said…please expect fast, dry and loose conditions throughout the mountain. Choose your speed and trails accordingly.
See you in a few hours,
Your Fernie Alpine Resort Bike Crew
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