On Saturday, 54 community volunteers came out to prune, thin, rake, chop, drag and dump twigs, logs and debris from the high-risk areas of the Thunder Ridge and Highline Drive, neighbourhoods at Fernie Alpine Resort.
What an incredible turnout for FireSmart Day!
Here at FAR we take wildfire safety very seriously. We have been actively working with our local fire department and the local community to take the necessary FireSmart precautions. Becoming FireSmart takes time and coordination with your neighbours, and we are lucky to have wonderful homeowners who take the responsibility seriously and have worked hard to lessen the risk surrounding their homes.

A team of FAR employees collected the piles of debris.
FireSmart is living with & managing
for wildfire on our landscape.
The Fernie Fire Department, who is a driving force and impetus for the FireSmart program in Fernie provided the volunteers with leadership, moral support and tools for the working bee.
It’s incredible to see what a community can do when they come together. The transformation is remarkable!
Thank you to our awesome RCR crew, Robin, Andy, Tyler, Tyler, Paul & Ugo who hauled endless piles of debris to the RCR burn pile.
Thanks also to the sponsors, and those who provided donations to the volunteers, Jason Andreola (Royal LePage), Sandra Goode (ReMax), Fernie Tim Hortons, The Chopstick Truck, FireSmart Canada and The Co-operators.
Timberline Condos will be holding their Work Bee on Saturday, May 25th, so if you are able to help/support, please email us at [email protected], and we can pass onto the right people.
A huge thank you to the volunteers from Thunder Ridge and Highline Drive. Your hard work is truly appreciated!
If you would like to learn more about wildfire preparedness, you can refer to the FireSmart Canada website which has a wealth of information www.firesmartcanada.ca.
Please, don’t forget to continue to be FireSmart throughout the spring and summer!